Automate your entity management today
- Never miss a compliance deadline
- Powerful entity management software
- Flexible and Customizable
January 2, 2024
Financial departments start gearing up for tax season, filing annual reports, and other legally required financial reports. Increasingly, financial companies are using a new tool to help with the issues related to a regulation-heavy industry—entity management software.
Entity management collates data input from a range of sources and ensures there is only one copy of each at any time. It is ideal for financial data management since this is one area where there cannot be error or duplication. And yet, financial watchdog Deloitte reported that in 2023, a staggering 49% of reporting companies are still using Excel to manage their financial data.
Financial management is no longer simply a matter of adding and subtracting numbers in a spreadsheet. Regulatory compliance, meeting deadlines, and hitting governance goals is also critical. However, with dozens of reporting parties spread throughout the company, getting everyone’s reports in on time can be a daunting task. The answer is entity management software.
Talk to some people about “data management” and their eyes glaze over. But financial departments use information from every other department in assembling tax data at the end of the year, and when its time for the annual report. All data needs “managed” even if the end users don’t realize it.
Tax regulations have a habit of changing each year as new laws come online. Different departments are affected by their own suite of new regulations as well. When the financial department is tasked with creating the yearly projections or quarterly statements, they need the impact of these regulations on the department, which means pulling data from those departments.
Entity management software creates a central data stream for finance and other departments to pull information from, and to drop their own information into. This central stream becomes a collaborative river that everyone can access. It improves communication and increases efficiency across the board. It also eliminates duplication and minimizes error.
A single data source means there’s only one of everything. Instead of discussions over who has the most recent information, finance and tax departments can coordinate with other departments on management decisions and other critical needs. Your entity management software accomplishes this feat by automating basic tasks and freeing staff for critical duties. A good system can:
When it’s time to get rid of Excel and install a real entity management system, there are some things you want in your new system. The first thing to look for is a robust system that can handle the amount of data your company manages. Then you need to consider these factors:
If it sounds like preparing for a software update is as much work as just sticking with the tried-and-true Excel spreadsheet, relax. Once the new system is in the efficiency and convenience will be more than worth the time spent. It’s better to take a little extra time to get exactly what you need than to discover afterward that you wanted something slightly different.
Lucky for you, Athennian already has most of the features you want in a good entity management system. We have been developing these systems for financial, tax, and legal companies and integrating them with existing systems for many years. We customize the system for your business and give you the features you want and need so your data management stream gives you exactly what you want when you want it. Contact us today to speak with a member of our team for a customized demo.