May Product Update from Athennian

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Athennian Team

In the month of April, Athennian’s product and customer success teams worked hard to bring significant updates to the platform, based on user feedback. We focused on improving the most commonly used features in Athennian: Custom Reports, Virtual Minute Books, Transactions, and Teams.

Move multiple documents and/or folder to the Virtual Minute Book (VMB)

Instead of moving one document at a time, you can now select multiple files and/or folders and move them to the VMB all at the same time.  Just select the file(s)/folder(s) and click Move to Minute Book.  You can also select which entity you would like the documents to go to after clicking Move to Minute Book.

Expand and collapse sections within the Virtual Minute Book (VMB)

We moved the carets that expand and collapse headings in the VMB to improve the distinction between headings and sub-headings.

Professional checkbox for entities found a new home

Tired of having to go to Compliance then scroll way down to the bottom, just to reflect that an entity is a Professional entity?  Well, click and scroll no longer!  We've moved this checkbox and all its functionality to the Entity Details page under the Entity Type section.

Pinned note banner reflects the priority of the note

Need to bring more attention to a pinned note?  Or is it just a gentle reminder?  Either way, we've got the solution for you!  When you pin a note, the banner at the top of the entity will now reflect the priority of the note.  To change the colour, simply change the priority!

With this update we have put an emphasis on accessibility

Custom Report results are saved

We are delighted to announce that custom report results are now saved!  This means when you run a report, if you navigate away from it and visit other parts of Athennian, when you come back to Custom Reports, the report results will still be there!

Note: If you log out or refresh the browser page, the reports page will be reset and results will not be saved.

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"Very easy to use, modern interface, excellent support. Athennian has an amazing conversion team. They helped us migrate all of our data and the training was very good."

Megan W, Director

“When we were reviewing other entity management systems on the market, in some cases, we were not comparing apples to apples. But with Athennian, there was really no comparison. The paralegals were so excited to come on board.”

Linda Escobar, Senior Paralegal

"There are so many things I like about this program, but the one thing that really stands out is the user friendly interface. The program is fast and allows me to enter corporate information very quickly and efficiently. I would also like to note that Athennian provides the most the fantastic customer service."

Kelly R, Corporate Law Clerk

Cloud-based entity & subsidiary management platform
Paper Interactive, Inc. 2024. "Athennian" is a registered trademark of Paper Interactive, Inc. in the United States, Canada and other countries. All rights reserved.